Posted by Bethan Holt, Junior Fashion Editor at Large

Triangle sweater £420
In this heat, just looking at the word "knit" is enough to make one come over a bit faint. It would be absolute madness to put on a jumper right now. But that doesn't stop us looking (and planning), does it? Chinti and Parker's collaboration with pattern obsessive creatives Patternity is an excellent place to begin. "Conscious cloth meets conscious pattern" is what they call it. I love visiting the Patternity site; it is the perfect antidote to the messy world of scrolling web pages, phone screens and newspapers which tend to bombard the eyes on a daily basis. Landing on Anna Murray and Grace Winteringham's blog and letting your eyes roam freely across and around the scrolling shapes and lines of their posts is one of the great joys of the internet. No wonder the likes of Celine, Selfridges and now Chinti and Parker have signed up to work with them.

Dot Triangle sweater £420

I've just got back from a couple of holidays (hence the blogging silence of late). One of them was to Barcelona, a city which really shouts about its patterns. There is Miró and Gaudi artwork and architecture dotted seemingly around every corner plus plentiful churches with ornate mosaics and stained glass windows. You cannot escape it in all its forms from Modernist to Medieval.

Elsewhere, pattern can be easy to miss which is where the eye, edit and perspective of Patternity come in, picking out what is really all around us and presenting it to us in a refreshed, succinct way . I like the idea that by wearing one of their Chinti and Parker jumpers you might be creating a new momentary fixation for a passer-by to rest their eyes on. When the sun does go (not too soon I hope), that's something to look forward to.

Get Patternity x Chinti and Parker here. Barcelona pictures courtesy of Alison Coldridge.

Chinti + Parker meets Patternity - A Film by Zoe Hitchen from Zoe Hitchen on Vimeo.


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